Glow – Face Lift & Posture Correction – Ora By Ruchi Khosla

Glow – Face Lift & Posture Correction

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.

GLOW AS YOU GROW, our monthly online Face Yoga program uses a structured approach, designed to strengthen, lift and tone more than 50 muscles in your face, neck, and scalp area. It is an interactive LIVE program on Zoom where you can join fro your home or work place. It’s a short duration session and is easily doable any hour of the day.


Classes as per India time zone

Monday, Wednesday, Friday




Classes as per Pacific time zone

Monday, Wednesday, Friday


1pm – 1:30pm

Classes as per UK time Zone

Mon, Wed, Thu



Classes as per Central Time Zone

Tue, Thu, Sun

9pm – 9:30pm



United States dollar ($) - USD
  • United States dollar ($) - USD
  • Canadian dollar ($) - CAD
  • Indian rupee (₹) - INR
  • Pound sterling (£) - GBP

GLOW AS YOU GROW, our monthly online Face Yoga program uses a structured approach, designed to strengthen, lift and tone more than 50 muscles in your face, neck, and scalp area. It is an interactive LIVE program on Zoom where you can join fro your home or work place. It’s a short duration session and is easily doable any hour of the day.

The GLOW Face Yoga program incorporates a unique combination of face exercises, face massage, and posture correction exercises to give you many health and beauty benefits.

We base our face workouts on the concepts of Resistance, Relax, Release and Glow.

Resistance: Resistance exercises to strengthen and tone your facial muscles

Relax: Face massage and breathwork to relax and release tension from the overworked face muscles

Release: Posture correction to create a strong foundation for the face & release the muscle tension.

Glow: Boost circulation and lymphatic flow with our face workouts to get that natural GLOW

As a result of this unique combination of techniques, the skin attached to these muscles is tightened and lifted reducing lines and wrinkles and emits a radiant glow.


Our Face Yoga Program aims to help you with…

  • More lifted, toned and sculpted face
  • Plumper, firmer, smoother skin
  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Reduced fine lines/wrinkles on forehead, frown line area, eyes, mouth, nasolabial area, chin, jawline, cheeks, and neck
  • Reduced sagging on the face and neck
  • Reduced puffiness, swelling, eye bags and dark circles
  • Longer leaner neck
  • Improved circulation, collagen production and lymphatic flow
  • Better facial symmetry/mobility
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced tension headaches, TMJ pain and sinus congestion

A Holistic Approach….

Your face is a map showing way more than you might think. Through meridians and acupressure points it shows the state of your internal organs. Conditions such as wrinkles, skin discoloration and acne are actually indicating a “blockage” in a certain organ.

Following our program you will understand the deeper meaning of your problematic areas. While stimulating the points and improving your face you will also learn which organs are being balanced during every single exercise.This program will help you glow from the inside-out.